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Custom Post Types & Listings

Create your own listing website with custom post types

Create a hotel, real estate or an event listing website! Go beyond the limits set by regular WordPress post types and create special post types with custom meta fields and taxonomies. Create listings for your custom post types and build your own custom design for your listing, single and archive pages.

Create post types with custom meta fields

Imagine you want to create a dynamic listing website such as a real estate listing website. Jupiter X allows you to create custom post types for each property with your own fields such as rooms, age, size, images and price. You have plenty of custom meta field types such as text, drop-down boxes, checkboxes, date, time, icon pickers, galleries and more to create your custom attributes.

Create unlimited listings from your post types

You can create unlimited listings from your custom post types – each with a different order of your custom meta fields – such as the main listing feed, the single page and the archive page. Your website operator will be able to simply enter the values for custom meta fields, and all the listings will be created automatically.

Design your own custom listing, single & archive pages

Design the appearance of your post type main listings, single page and archive page the way you want. Thanks to the new Dynamic Fields Mapping feature, you can add a variety of standard elements to your custom listing pages such as a heading, image, button, video, text editor, as well as many dynamic elements such as post content, post comments and post meta.  

Single page templates for your custom post types: Build one or use one of many readymade templates

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