Pop-Up Builder
Collect, nurture & convert your visitors with Jupiter X Pop-up Builder
Pop-ups play an important role to nurture and convert your visitors across their journey in your website. With Jet Pop-Up Builder you have everything you need to build both beautiful and efficient pop-ups.

Build pop-ups with Elementor
With Jet Pop-Up Builder you’ll be able to create new pop-ups using all widgets available in Elementor. Also, it allows you to add pop-ups to different widgets and its content.

Define the position of
your pop-up
Place your pop-up in a corner of the page or show it as a side slide, a bar in top or bottom or let cover the entire page!

Preset Pop-up Templates
You can use pre-designed pop-up templates and layouts for different purposes from the Pop-up Library. You can import them and edit according to your needs with Elementor page builder, in the same way, you edit any other page.

Manage trigger events
Choose the events and set timers and dates when the pop-up has to appear on the page. Jet Pop-up supports all helpful events such as: On opening, User try exit, Page progress scrolling, Attached to widget, On set date and User inactive time.

Animation effects
Serve your pop-ups with pleasant animations and increase the engagement rate! Jupiter X pop-ups can appear with 13 different animations.

Pop-up action button
Pop-up Action Button widget allows you to create buttons that add Yes/No action to pop-up templates. Actions such as: Leave Page, Close Pop-up, Link and Close Constantly.